Energy Consumption Test Analysis of Inovasi Karya Nusa (IKN) Electric Cars Using 72V 100 Ah Batteries

Electric Cars


  • Rachmad Sulaksono Prabowo Universitas Balikpapan
  • Gunawan Universitas Balikpapan
  • Ahadi Noor Ahmadi Universitas Balikpapan


Electric car , battery, energy consumption


Air pollution in Indonesia continues to increase, one of the biggest contributors to air pollution is exhaust emissions from conventional vehicles, one of the government's efforts to reduce it is by using battery-based electric vehicles. This research uses independent variables, namely using car speed with variations of 20, 30, 40 Km/Hour with the dependent variable Power kWh, battery voltage (V), and current strength (A) with tests carried out on a predetermined field or track and using a 72V 100Ah battery to look for energy consumption.  Karya Nusa (IKN) using a 72V 100 ah battery with variations in speed of 20 Km/Hour, 30 Km/Hour, 40 Km/Hour with a predetermined distance of 11.5 Km on the path to the entrance to the University of Balikpapan, with these results explaining that at a speed of 40 Km/hour, the higher the speed value, the higher the energy consumption used, compared to a speed of 30 Km/hour and at a speed of 20 Km/hour using a large energy consumption due to the large and constant initial torque at that speed makes the energy consumption used is greater than the speed of 30 Km/Hour and 40 Km/Hour, so the speed of 30 Km/Hour is much more efficient and economical than the speed of 20 Km/Hour and 40 Km/Hour.  The higher the torque required, the higher the energy consumption required as well as speed, the higher the speed, the higher the energy consumption required. There are several factors from the vehicle that can affect energy consumption including the steering system, tire pressure, battery temperature, and factors outside the vehicle such as environmental conditions or track conditions and the driving behavior of the driver.


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How to Cite

Rachmad Sulaksono Prabowo, Gunawan, & Ahadi Noor Ahmadi. (2023). Energy Consumption Test Analysis of Inovasi Karya Nusa (IKN) Electric Cars Using 72V 100 Ah Batteries: Electric Cars. Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Dan Inovasi Teknologi, 4(1), 252–258. Retrieved from


