
  • Suherna Hasan
  • Budha Maryanti Universitas Balikpapan
  • Hery Adi Puspito Universitas Balikpapan


Salak stem frond fiber, roller resin, ASTM D6110-4, composite, impact strength


Salak is a multi-beneficial plant. Besides relying on the fruit, the potential benefits of salak can actually be explored, including seeds, skin and midrib. Salak still has considerable potential and several small industries have used it for car accessories, crafts and therapeutic equipment. excavated is the bark of the bark. Morphologically, the bark of the bark consists of stems and leaves. Midrib stems tend to be difficult to rot and require a bit of work. In general, the absorption potential of salak ingredients (seeds, skins and midribs) is still relatively low and on average it is used for fuel (even discarded / left to rot). And the development of salak so far is still focused on the fruit. In this study, researchers used the bark fiber as a mixture in the manufacture of composite materials. Therefore, the researchers used a composite reinforced by bark fiber midrib with impact testing.

This research was carried out in June – July 2021 at the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta, using impact testing with variations in the composite volume fraction of 73% resin, 2% catalyst, 25% bark fiber and 83% resin, 2% catalyst, 15 % salak stem midrib fiber with an angle of 30˚ using a wood mold standardized by ASTM D6110-4 measuring (6.4 cm × 1.27 cm × 1.27 cm).

The results obtained from the test data for composite specimens of salak stem midrib fiber with volume fraction variations. Specimens with (73% resin, 2% catalyst, 25% bark fiber) Angle of 30°, (83% resin, 2% catalyst, 15% bark fiber) Angle of 30°, the average value of energy absorbed (73% resin , 2% catalyst, 25% bark fiber) of 10,700 Joules and the average value of the impact price is 0.013 Joule/mm² and the specimen (83% resin, 2% catalyst, 15% bark fiber) Angle of 30°. has an average value of absorbed energy of 5.877 Joules and an


average value of impact value of 0.006 Joule/mm². Judging from the average value of absorbed energy and the impact value of testing specimens with (73% resin, 2% catalyst, 25% bark fiber) Angle of 30°, it has the highest value compared to specimen testing (83% resin, 2% catalyst , bark fiber 15%) Angle 30°.


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How to Cite

Hasan, S., Maryanti , B., & Adi Puspito , H. . (2021). ANALISIS KEKUATANIMPACT KOMPOSIT BERPENGUAT SERAT PELEPAH BATANG SALAK DENGAN RESIN POLYESTER MENGGUNAKAN FRAKSI VOLUME. Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Dan Inovasi Teknologi, 2(2), 137–142. Retrieved from