Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin dan Inovasi Teknologi http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT <p>Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin dan Inovasi Teknologi(Jurnal REMIT) memuat naskah artikel yang berkaitan dengan Mesin dan tekonologi permesinan, termasuk energi baru dan terbarukan, deteksi, identifikasi, automasi, sistem, perancangan, ergonomi yang berkaitan dengan permesinan, Keselamatan bidang teknik. Artikel dapat berupa hasil penelitian mutakhir atau temuan terbaru mengenai permesinan, Energi terbarukan dan ergonomi permesinan. Naskah artikel yang diterima adalah naskah yang belum pernah dimuat atau tidak sedang dalam proses publikasi pada berkala ilmiah nasional maupun internasional lainnya.<br><br></p> en-US impolsiboro@uniba-bpn.ac.id (Impol Siboro) remit@uniba-bpn.ac.id (Jurnal REMIT) Sun, 25 Feb 2024 06:14:16 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Analysis of the Effect of Engine Speeds of 1000, 1500 and 2000 RPM on Heat Transfer in the TOYOTA RUSH 1500 CC Cooling System http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/64 <p><em>The cooling system in the car functions to reduce the temperature in the engine that occurs as a result of combustion from the combustion chamber. The cooling system on the machine uses a device in the form of a radiator. The problems that will be studied in this study are: Is there an effect of engine speed on heat transfer in the cooling system and how big is the effect of engine speed on heat transfer in the cooling system. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of engine speed on heat transfer in the Toyota Rush 1500cc cooling system. This study used a research tool, namely the Toyota Rush 1500cc engine and a thermogun. The research was carried out by varying the research time and engine speed, measuring the air temperature before and after hitting the radiator and measuring the temperature of the cooling water before entering and after leaving the radiator. This research method uses descriptive data analysis techniques. Based on the analysis using a graph of the relationship between heat transfer, cooling water temperature and heat transfer as well as effectiveness, that the Radiator Effectiveness value will increase in proportion to the engine speed. Based on the analysis it was concluded that the value of Effectiveness at 5, 10 and 15 minutes was 1.217. 1.889 and 2.030 as well as Heat Transfer increased with increasing engine speed at 5, 10 and 15 minutes the value was 20.379. 25.442 and 29.223 and vice versa, the heat transfer decreases and the effectiveness decreases. In this research, the heat transfer learning system in the Toyota Rush 1500cc engine coolant can be used.</em></p> Yano Hurung Anoi, Dimas Ifnu Pratama, Ratnawati, Saripah Sobah Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin dan Inovasi Teknologi http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/64 Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the Effect of Fuel Consumption on Cummins Qsk 60 MCRS Engine Life Time To Overhaul http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/63 <p><em>Fuel consumption is the consumption of fuel in the engine, usually using units of liters/hour or gallons/hour. fuel consumption is one indicator of the efficiency of engine performance. The type of fuel and engine capacity have an effect on fuel consumption. Load factor is the calculation of the useful value of the available load capacity of the mode of transportation/unit. Engine life time to overhaul (ELTO) is an engine overhaul prediction in what hour meter, based on fuel consumption. In this research, it is sought how the influence of fuel consumption on the load factor and life time to overhaul the Cummins QSK 60 MCRS engine.</em> <em>This research was conducted at a workshop in Sangatta, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan, precisely in the coal mining area of PT. Sangatta Mine Site. In this study, researchers used qualitative research. To explain this research, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach to find the value of the load factor percentage and determine the estimated engine life to overhaul (ELTO). The highest level of load factor percentage is 73.3% with a fuel consumption of 265 gals/hr. For the lowest percentage of the loadfactor is 71.6% with a fuel consumption of 259 gals/hr. The highest value for engine life to overhaul (ELTO) is 12,785 hours with a fuel consumption of 259 gals/hr. And the lowest value for engine life to overhaul (ELTO) is 12,488 hours with a fuel consumption of 265 gals/hr.</em></p> Mohamad Riman Aprilah, Gunawan, Lia Pongsapan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin dan Inovasi Teknologi http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/63 Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Stress Behavior of Rampdoor Jetty Bumi Harapan Port Sepaku-IKN Using LISA FEA V.8. http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/65 <p>The heavy equipment used in this work is a crane barge in the sea area, and 2 excavator breakers in the loading and unloading area of the material at the jetty of PT MLM Port to be unloaded. The excavators used in this demolition work are mobilized through the nearest jetty. As a security and safety aspect so that nothing happens, the condition of the rampdoor must be taken into account the load that will be suffered when the excavator crosses the rampdoor, whether it is strong or not. In this study, the rampdoor modeling method was carried out using finite element analysis software with LISA FEA V.8 (license) to determine the stress capacity and serviceability of the rampdoor. From the results of modeling and numerical analysis using finite element analysis LISA FEA V.8 (license) obtained some stress and deflection behavior that occurs due to the load given with two load modeling conditions where the condition is when the machine starts to cross the rampdoor and when it is in the middle of the rampdoor span, it can be seen that the deflection ratio that occurs from these two conditions is 1.754, where the initial deflection when entering the rampdoor occurs a deflection of 0.1231 m in the middle of the span and when the machine is in the middle of the span to 0.216 m. while the moment that occurs is different from the ratio of 1.576 with the same 2 conditions in the load modeling. and the stress ratio that occurs is 0.844.</p> Ir. Aco Wahyudi Efendi, ST., MT., ASEA Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin dan Inovasi Teknologi http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/65 Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Modification and Performance Test of BLDC Electric Conversion Motorcycle http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/66 <p><em>The energy crisis and the climate crisis that are happening in the world are caused by the use of fossil energy which is dangerous because it causes an increase in greenhouse gas emissions so that the climate becomes unstable, therefore, it is necessary to realize the change of energy from fossil fuels to renewable energy by converting vehicles into electricity, for that made an electric conversion motorcycle. The resulting performance is expected to be maximized to replace conventional motorbikes. This study uses the independent variable which in this study is current (I). The controllers used are 30A and 45A controllers the dependent The dependent variables in this study were torque (Nm), Daya (P), engine speed (RPM) obtained from the Dynotest test. The control variable in this study was voltage (V) of 2 kW according to PERMENHUB RI No 65 of 2020. The performance test results obtained by the&nbsp; Dynotest&nbsp; on the motorcycle before conversion obtained the performance test results, namely 9.5 Nm torque at 4169 RPM and 5.8 HP Power at 3648 RPM, the motorcycle after being converted to a 30A controller obtained performance test results, namely 16.22 Nm torque at 1714 RPM Power 6.1 HP at 4671 RPM, the motorbike after being converted to a 45A controller obtained the best performance test results, namely torque of 18.61 Nm at 1141 RPM and&nbsp; Power&nbsp; of 6.1 HP at 5094 RPM. This motorcycle modification replaces the propulsion system using a&nbsp; BLDC&nbsp; electric motor, replaces the&nbsp; Daya&nbsp; source using a battery, and slightly changes the frame by adding a bracket as a place for the battery. In conclusion, the modification of this convertible motorbike is quite good in dealing with the energy crisis&nbsp; where the dependence on using fossil fuels such as fuel oil because this electric conversion motorbike is a form of new renewable energy. This conversion motorbike is also a form of support for the government to implement electric vehicles in Indonesia.</em></p> Agus Nurtriartono, Tri Setia Putra, Maulana M. Ali Safe'i Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin dan Inovasi Teknologi http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/66 Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Simulation of Static Loads on Multi-Purpose Electric Cargo Motor Frames http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/67 <p><em>The frame should be the main focus in consideration for designing an electric motor. How powerful the electric motor is when carrying loads is all determined by the relationship between each dimension on the frame. In this study, we will make electric motor designs and static load simulations, especially on electric motor frames using 3D software. The purpose of this study is to get the value of stress misses simulation with CAD feature, Displacement value with CAD feature, and Get Safety Factor value with CAD feature. The research was conducted by conducting visual observations and taking the necessary technical data. The analysis of this work was carried out in the laboratory of Balikpapan University. The research method used is quantitative with the stage of literature studies that take reference sources for books, journals, and articles that support research in completing research. In this study, the independent variable is one that can be manipulated to observe its effect on the following variables. The purpose of this study is to get the value of simulation von misses stress with CAD feature Get the Displacement value with CAD feature Get the Safety Factor value with CAD feature. From the results of this study the simulation results of Von Misess Stress 43.185 N/mm<sup>2</sup> with a given load of 1.274 N/mm<sup>2</sup> which does not exceed the value of yield strength 250 N/mm<sup>2</sup>. Then. The result of the simulation of the largest displacement (maximum) = 0.117 mm and the smallest (minimum) = 0.001 mm, is said to be safe because it is far below the shift of 1 mm. And the value of the Safety factor results obtained is 5.704 N/mm<sup>2</sup>. This is said to be safe because it does not exceed the maximum value of the safety factor of 158,214 N/mm<sup>2</sup>. With safety standards that have been determined on the mechanical properties.</em></p> Rachmad Sulaksono Prabowo, Budha Maryanti, Siprianus Gobang Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin dan Inovasi Teknologi http://jurnal.ftm.uniba-bpn.ac.id/index.php/REMIT/article/view/67 Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000